23-Jun-24 09:04:52 INFO Start cloth cover detector module version 2.1.4! 23-Jun-24 09:04:52 INFO sourceFile(scandata) : '/item/richmondcaliforn19141915polk_scandata.xml' -> targetFile(log-file) '/item/richmondcaliforn19141915polk_cloth_detection.log' 23-Jun-24 09:04:52 INFO Using /item/richmondcaliforn19141915polk_cloth_detection.log to find imagestack 23-Jun-24 09:04:52 INFO Successfully found imagestack path - /item/richmondcaliforn19141915polk_jp2.zip 23-Jun-24 09:04:53 INFO Image measurements data: [75.27157894736843, 26.3915293952949, 15.064892770175726, 0.19478546910755148, 22.930027118517682, 0.0681893346060096, 0.019020290809559744, 0.2667304805777943, 0.0982159250490702, 37.00074542179556] 23-Jun-24 09:04:53 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 1: 'is cloth' - False, 'edge level' - 0.2987389138285187 23-Jun-24 09:05:08 INFO Image measurements data: [73.74833333333333, 27.063753075941918, 15.010044050486185, 0.17221738351254479, 22.85166983029334, 0.09029028762268757, 0.024233922001265625, 0.26124834919706197, 0.10784516929386133, 32.0765494559499] 23-Jun-24 09:05:08 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 504: 'is cloth' - False, 'edge level' - 0.42001010190011523 23-Jun-24 09:05:09 INFO Index number of page 1 is 1 23-Jun-24 09:05:09 INFO Index number of page 504 is 504 23-Jun-24 09:05:09 INFO Save new scandata with tag 'clothCover' in /item/richmondcaliforn19141915polk_scandata.xml 23-Jun-24 09:05:09 INFO Successful finish cloth-cover detector!